Hey, Brian here- thanks for checking out my website! Here's a quick ready about my journey into the pedal world, my pedals and build process. It's a solo operation, just me at home building these stompboxes.

I’ve been interested in pedals since buying my first guitar when I was 12 in 2001. I was a huge fan of Incubus and Mike Einziger was a big influence on my playing. His board is what got me interested in pedals- I loved the crazy sounds he could get from all those little boxes. I thought it was wild how a pedal could radically change the sound of the guitar. I built up a good sized collection over the years and decided to start building them myself in 2016. It all started with a simple switch for a Boss looper that I had- 2 momentary footswitches, an enclosure, some wire and a stereo jack. It worked on the first try and I was hooked.

I design and hand build all Signal Cheyne pedals, each one is individually handmade in Yerres, France. The whole process starts with a bunch of parts and breadboard to find a sound I like. Then from there I draw out the schematic and design the PCBs with Eagle. I populate all the PCBs with quality components. I design the artwork using Inkscape. One of my favorite parts of the build process is screen printing. I manually screen print all the housings using a durable ink, click here to check out my screen printing How To. Then I drill all the enclosures and finally populate them with the handwired jacks, PCBs, foot switches, battery couplers and DC jacks.

Even after these last 6 years of building it’s still a pleasure to test and play every single pedal before it leaves. The joy of designing and building a pedal that will be someones tool for musical creation is immeasurable.
Thanks for the read! Have a look at the different pedals. If you’re interested or have a question about my build process or pedals, send an email via the contact page and I’ll get back to you!